Make the Dressing: Add all dressing ingredients to a mason jar. Season to taste (I add ½ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon pepper). Shake well and store in the fridge until ready to use.
Wash and dry the lettuce well (a salad spinner works best). Cut off the base, stack the leaves, roll them up, and slice thinly into ribbons. For shorter ribbons, cut each slice in half before unrolling.
In a large bowl, combine all salad ingredients. Gently toss to mix.
Shake the dressing again before using. Only add dressing to the portion you'll eat immediately (see note 2). Enjoy promptly—this salad doesn’t store well once dressed.
Note 1: One head of lettuce or about 4 packed cups once cut into ribbons. Washing and drying the lettuce a day before helps prevent a soggy salad.Note 2: You likely won’t need all the dressing, but it’s better to have extra. Keep salad and dressing separate if meal prepping.Storage: Once dressed, the salad doesn’t store well. Store leftover dressing in the fridge for up to a week. Let it return to room temperature and shake before using.