Christmas Crack is a festive, irresistible treat that layers salty crackers, buttery toffee, chocolate, and crunchy toppings for a sweet holiday treat!
Preheat the oven to 400℉. Line a 15 x 10-inch sheet pan with heavy-duty foil and generously coat with cooking spray. Cover the pan with an even layer of saltine or graham crackers. See note 2 for some tips before you get started.
In a medium pot, combine the cubed butter and brown sugar. Set the pot over medium-low heat. Resist the urge to raise the temperature, even if it seems slow to start. Stir constantly with a silicone spatula, moving gently in one direction, until the mixture reaches a full boil. Once boiling, stop stirring and let it boil for exactly 3 minutes.
After 3 minutes, remove the pot from heat and immediately pour the mixture evenly over the crackers. Use a spatula to spread it as needed; it doesn’t have to be perfect, as it will even out during baking.
Bake for 5 minutes and then very carefully remove pan from oven. Let stand for 2 minutes and then sprinkle chocolate chips evenly over crackers. Let rest without touching for 5 minutes. Use a clean offset spatula to gently spread and coax the chocolate into an even layer. If adding toppings, sprinkle on immediately.
Transfer pan to fridge and let chocolate harden for about 30 minutes, or freeze for 15 minutes. Remove from fridge, lift cracker from foil and break or chop into pieces.
Note 1: I love to top these with sprinkles, M&M's, chopped nuts, and sliced almonds, but you can use any toppings you like!Note 2:
Make sure to use a rimmed sheet pan or the toffee will spill all over the oven! Also, take time to line the pan carefully so that washing is easy after.
Do not increase the heat until the sugar is completely dissolved over medium-low heat. This will take a good amount of time and requires patience.
Stir steadily and consistently, always stirring in the same direction, at a slow speed. If you whisk or stir too quickly, the toffee will separate.
Nutrition: The nutrition information does not include the toppings, as those will vary.Storage:Store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.