Peanut Butter Cookie Overnight Oats

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Peanut Butter Cookie Overnight Oats are flavored with peanut butter and topped with miniature no-bake cookies. These filling and fun overnight oats make for a great on-the-go breakfast.

Peanut butter cookie overnight oats with a beautiful peanut butter swirl in it and mini cookie dough balls on top.

Peanut Butter Cookie Overnight Oats

I’m combining two favorites today — no-bake breakfast cookies AND overnight oats. These fun overnight oats are peanut butter-flavored with an easy peanut butter oatmeal cookie topping.

And yes, the whole point of overnight oats is ease, so the cookies are totally optional, but they are simple to make and a fun way to change up overnight oats. I mean, the cookies are so good you may even just want to make them to enjoy on their own! So let’s talk no-bake cookies first and then the overnight oats!

Making peanut butter cookie dough and rolling it into mini balls for peanut butter cookie dough overnight oats. No-bake cookies

These cookies are basically a simplified version of no bake energy bites. They’ve only got four ingredients (I mean, technically 5 are listed, but the oats are used twice just in different forms — whole and ground up).

  1. Old-fashioned oats. Whole oats form the base of these cookies. Additional oats are blended up to form an oat flour. Making oat flour is incredibly simple; I break down the process in this Gluten Free Banana Pancakes recipe. Essentially though, you’ll add whole oats to a blender or food processor and pulse or blend until the oats resemble flour.
  2. Peanut butter. The “glue” that holds these cookies together, peanut butter is also what flavors these no-bake cookies and adds protein and healthy fats to them.
  3. Honey. This ingredient contributes stability and sweetness to the cookies.
  4. Miniature chocolate chips. A quintessential cookie addition! If you don’t have mini chocolate chips, coarsely chop up chocolate to add to the mix.

All the ingredients used in this recipe in a bowl, then being mixed together.

Peanut Butter Cookie Overnight Oats ingredient notes

While most of the ingredients are fairly standard, I want to include a few ingredient tips.

  • Sweetener. Depending on how sweet you prefer your breakfasts, scale the sweetener up or down. You may even decide you don’t want any sweetener at all! If you don’t want to use honey or maple syrup, liquid stevia drops are another great alternative; I usually add 1/4 teaspoon. Maple syrup is my favorite sweetener to add to overnight oats; a little goes a long way!
  • Greek yogurt. The yogurt can totally overpower these overnight oats, so get a mild tasting, sweet type. My personal favorite is Honey Vanilla Greek yogurt (made by Greek Gods®; not sponsored). It’s sweet, mild, and creamy. Whatever yogurt you use, make sure you like it plain or you likely won’t love it in these Peanut Butter Cookie Overnight Oats.
  • Old-fashioned oats. I highly recommend old-fashioned oats; quick oats tend to get mushy and steel-cut oats don’t soften as much.

Finished peanut butter cookie overnight oats, ready to be eaten, with a spoon in the cup, a delicious breakfast.

Recipe notes

  • Overnight oats are meant to be eaten cold in the morning. As they soak overnight, they become soft, luscious, and creamy. That said, if you prefer them warm, you can certainly heat them up in the morning.
  • You can make Peanut Butter Cookie Overnight Oats in the morning to enjoy. I actually even prefer them this way! Nowadays, I usually make them first thing when I wake up, go work out, and enjoy them post workout (So they’ve sat about 30-45 minutes).
  • Make them thicker. I’m obsessed with creamy oatmeal — the creamier the better! I’d say these overnight oats are fairly creamy (even after thickening overnight). If you’d like them thicker, add in 1-2 tablespoon(s) of chia seeds.

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Peanut Butter Cookie Overnight Oats

5 from 4 votes
Peanut Butter Cookie Overnight Oats are flavored with peanut butter and topped with miniature no-bake cookies. These filling and fun overnight oats make for a great on-the-go breakfast.
Peanut butter cookie overnight oats with a beautiful peanut butter swirl in it and mini cookie dough balls on top.
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Peanut Butter Cookie Overnight Oats

Peanut butter cookie overnight oats with a beautiful peanut butter swirl in it and mini cookie dough balls on top.
5 from 4 votes
Peanut Butter Cookie Overnight Oats are flavored with peanut butter and topped with miniature no-bake cookies. These filling and fun overnight oats make for a great on-the-go breakfast.
Course Breakfast, Snack, Vegetarian
Cuisine American, Vegetarian
Keyword Oatmeal Cookie Overnight Oats
Prep Time 10 minutes
Chill Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Servings 1 serving
Chelsea Lords
Calories 507kcal
Cost $1.45


Overnight Oats

  • 2 and 1/2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/3 cup (74g) Greek vanilla yogurt (we love Greek Gods honey vanilla yogurt best)
  • 2/3 cup (158g) unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or any other milk)
  • 1/2 cup (55g) old-fashioned oats
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup or honey (See Note 1)
  • Pinch of salt
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • Optional toppings: cookies (see below), miniature chocolate chips, drizzle of peanut butter

Optional Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies

  • 2 tablespoons oat flour (regular oats that have been blended)
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1/4 cup (54g) peanut butter
  • 3/4 cup (70g) old-fashioned oats
  • 2 tablespoons miniature chocolate chips


  • PREP THE OATS: In a small bowl, mason jar, or plastic container, stir together the peanut butter, vanilla extract, Greek yogurt, milk, old-fashioned oats, maple syrup, salt, and cinnamon.
  • STIR: Stir well until all ingredients are fully incorporated. Taste the mixture and add any additional sweetener if desired.
  • CHILL: Cover and refrigerate overnight or until sufficiently cooled and thickened. (Sometimes I'll even make them in the morning, get ready, and then go eat them -- they are great even after just 30 minutes in the fridge)
  • OPTIONALLY TOP: Once ready to enjoy, top oats with a drizzle of peanut butter, some miniature chocolate chips, and some mini peanut butter cookies (see next step) if desired.
  • COOKIES: For the "cookies" add the honey, peanut butter, oats, oat flour (measure the oat flour AFTER blending the oats in a blender or food processor), and miniature chocolate chips to a small bowl. Mix (kneading with your hands as needed) until a thick and cohesive dough forms. If too wet, add a bit more oat flour and too dry, add a bit more honey or peanut butter. Form small balls by squishing the mixture and then rolling into balls. You need to squish it tightly and roll the balls tightly to keep them together. Add a few on top of the overnight oats if desired.

Recipe Notes

As written, these overnight oats are intended to be quite creamy. If you'd rather have them thicker, add a few tablespoons of additional oats and/or 1-2 tablespoons chia seeds.
Note 1: Scale sweetener up or down to personal preference -- you may not even want any sweetener at all! We prefer 1 tablespoon maple syrup; use 2 tablespoons for more sweetness. Alternatively, use 1/4 teaspoon liquid stevia drops for a zero-calorie sweetener.

Nutrition Facts

Serving: 1serving | Calories: 507kcal | Carbohydrates: 40.7g | Protein: 23.5g | Fat: 27.2g | Cholesterol: 12.3mg | Sodium: 327.7mg | Fiber: 6g | Sugar: 8g

We do our best to provide accurate nutritional analysis for our recipes. Our nutritional data is calculated using a third-party algorithm and may vary, based on individual cooking styles, measurements, and ingredient sizes. Please use this information for comparison purposes and consult a health professional for nutrition guidance as needed.


I love hearing from you when you've made one of my recipes! Tag me on Instagram at @ChelseasMessyApron or leave me a comment below.


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5 from 4 votes

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  1. This looks awesome Chelsea, and the cookies sound so easy and yummy I might just have to make some of those to eat for a healthier dessert! 😉

  2. These oats look and sound amazing Chelsea! I got into oats this year (I KNOW – what did I do before this?!) and I love them so much!! I usually add a dollop of nut butter to mine, but I’ve got to try adding this peanut butter oatmeal cookies!

  3. 5 stars
    Your overnight oats are amazing, Chelsea! I thought the last one you created was incredible, but this one looks just as good! Peanut butter and chocolate chips sound like the best breakfast combination.

  4. Overnight oats are my go-to breakfast! I’m absolutely loving yours…and topped with cookies?! There’s no better way to start the day 🙂

  5. You are definitely not messing – actual cookies in there!?!?! :O :O :O I just love it when I can have cookie/cake or chocolate for breakfast 😀

  6. CHELSEA DID YOU JUST MAKE COOKIES FOR BREAKFAST A TOTALLY VIABLE OPTION?! You did. And it’s awesome. And I’m pinning it right now.

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